Friday, May 16, 2008

Persuasive, paragraph stuff deleted itself

Cody Goslar
Block 4
Suicide is a very touchy topic in which many teens face or even have thoughts of such. Just by putting this as my topic for many I will not have to have a catch statement at the beginning of this paper. Many people will say that it is dumb, stupid or idiotic even. Some adults even choose to act as if it doesn’t exist; I myself am actually very anti-suicide. This is where my thesis statement comes in Suicide. Is it worth it or not? Most people who wish to commit suicide often argue that it is the only open option that is worth taking into consideration; they will say that in one point of the Japanese history that it was considered an immensely noble thing to do. In fact, the samurai a quite noble group of warriors in the Japanese culture considered this the most honorable way to die, rather than succumbing to the enemy after a defeat they were taught not to surrender and if possible the only way to die with full dignity and honor was through saibyku, which is the Japanese art of suicide by withdrawing ones sword through themselves and cutting from below the stomach across to the other side of the stomach and then pull their blade upwards through their heart. As for some, as this writer has declared, they find suicide pointless, not dumb, stupid or any number of other adjectives that mean ill minded or simply unintelligent, it is found suicide pointless for the fact that you are ending ones own life which is a dictionary definition of such, but in ending ones life you miss out on the true joys that life has to offer to you or one person, especially so when it is done by a minor or adolescence as it to commonly is, because as previously stated they simply cannot find another way to end their life problems, but as many who have survived these attempts on ones self have found there is so much more to life than we see when we are troubled, there are so many answers to every problem in life and much more sensible ways out at that. Some are driven to commit this act because of harassment, as for that I find that the best way to avoid harassment is to either not show that you are bothered, which is the median of three often suggested answers, the other two being tell an adult which most adolescence will not even consider because that tends to bring the harassment on even greater if you do not bring it to the correct superior. The other of the options that have been often thought of or referred to a possible suicide attempter if you will is Harass back. Which is highly regarded as a horrible option to give to such a person but as the writer of this report finds it if you are contemplating suicide then how bad could it be to harass the harasser in return, most likely from personal experiences I have found that this is often times a better option but as was said before is greatly frowned upon but alas the most sensible option is the second tell a superior and inform him or her what is happening why you believe it is happening bring some sort of proof of the incidents and have them see to it that you are no longer harassed. It is found that suicide victims or those suspected of suicidal thoughts should be comforted immediately and not given advice but listened too. Although it is important that you try to seek help for this individual it is also important that you keep their thoughts and feelings in mind. If you know of someone who is considered a potential victim it is recommended that you instantly seek help though a hotline or a yellow ribbon campaign in your area. As for those of you who are potential victims and are reading this, remember. There is always someone around who cares about you deeply if not you parents, a spouse, a friend, an acquaintance and let us not rule out those of which you have not began to think of, because suicide does not just hurt you. It hurts everyone.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Personal statement

Ever since I was a child my family had played many, many card games and had taught me not only how to play but little tricks on how to shuffle and deal and I naturally caught on and loved the games it started with go fish and old maid as I got older became golf and solitaire eventually became games like poker and other casino classics like black gammon so I not only know games of cards but I understand turntables. As a bigger guy I find I may actually bring down the amount of wise guys in the area if that plays any factor at all.

But only recently has it became clear to me that I wish to work in a casino itself and become a full time employee because of my love of the game and skill that may factor into the job, but as was mentioned before I have never had any actual experience in a casino itself other than May 1st. My 18th birthday in which the first thing my family and I did to celebrate was go to the casino and play slot machines and card tables, it was a blast and I found some interesting people there which is why I would like to have such a job to meet such amusing people night after night would be amazing.

Being a fun loving guy and loving the games themselves and excelling at them through not only skill and luck I wish to be able to participate in the lights and games every night just to get a glimpse of the other side, being a card dealer I am speaking of course if nothing else I would like to also apply for the security position open and indicated on your flyer. But its not all about fun and games I can be serious when it comes down to it and this is why I would like you to seriously consider me as the next employee of the beautifully run casino chain your offer.


Cody Goslar,
2391 257th st.

Objective: To better understand the working environment and full time job of a casino employee
Education: Attended a small town school of Lynd Elementary until I reached the 9th grade and switched over to Marshall Senior high and while here I intend to graduate at the age of 18 and year of 2008

Activities and skills:
Activities include basketball 3-8th grades, Lynd school band, Lynd school choir, and High school intramurals Dodge ball and bowling, Marshall theater on many occasions including One act, both staring in plays and working behind the scenes

Work experience:

Cadbury Schweppes
Burger king Whopper feeds- volunteer
Subway – volunteer job
Marshall Bowl
Cancer walks in the area

critical thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Critically thinking is looking into the consciences of what you do in the future in depth, while critically thinking you must take into consideration on what your future plans are and why they are important to you. For example why does one get a job? we get a job to get money why do we get money? We get money to pay for necessities in life as well as the few commodities and luxuries in life. with the necessities we need shelter, shelter can be provided with a house, houses cost money because of the amount of wood and raw resources let alone the amount of work that is put into it and so you not only need money to pay for resources but also for the amount of human labor, next you need water. Water is used to keep the human body hydrated and give energy to the body and blood cells throughout the whole structure this leads us to the next needed resource and that would be food. Food is used for energy and the and in the body itself for minerals. Minerals such as iron and zinc and potassium all of which are important in keeping the structure the structure is just that an outer body in which protects its inner contents with the ability to move. Movement requires energy that comes from food and it also needs warmth. Warmth can be accomplished through insulation. Insulation comes from the food itself as well as what we need to accomplish controlled temperature. All of this little rant was a thought process called critical thinking its not defined by any words because if you ask someone what critical thinking is, they will respond its thinking critically or so my questioning has lead to that conclusion so the only definition I could think of was to show you a thought process of critically thinking and I’m sure its only worth a two out of ten but I had to write something otherwise I get a zero. That is how critical thinking is used in my life, to solve problems that aren’t solved by common sense.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thinking quote three what it means to me

The manifestatation of the wind of thought is not knowledge; = thought doesnt have to be made up of knowledge and does not have to make sense sometimes but there is always thought in your mind of one thing or another. It is the ability to tell right from wrong. beautiful from ugly = its basic concepts that you have to deal with each day and think up with out even trying most times. And this, at the rare moments when the stakes are on the table may indeed prevent catastrophes, atleast for the self. = When things get tough in an argument or a tiff with a girl/boy friend thinking is used to prevent saying things that will ruin the relationship or get you beat up and sometimes it can save yourself sometimes even if it doesnt have the abilities to save others

Thursday, May 1, 2008

cover letter

704 Brian Street
Marshall, MN 56258
May, 1, 08

Senior Irwin
National Poker society CEO
Marshall, MN 56258

Dear Senior Irwin:

Enclosed inside of this letter is my personal resume, in which i hope you will respond possitively for I am responding to the Flyer proclaiming that you were i need of more card dealers. I haver always felt that i had a luck with the cards and was alwasy interested by all of the aspects of a casino in general, I sadly have no experience other than acctually playing blackjack, texas hold em' and other card games of this genre. I am good with people and know how to keep my cool under what may be found as an odd situation also I enjoy interacting with large sums of people at once and know a few ways to shuffle the cards

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Cody Goslar

Excellence is derived from the word excel and to excel is to advance in one area of expertise. You see I feel that excellence is just a word to symbolize how well someone does anything to me personally if I had to say that anything at all had achieved excellence I would say the human race. You see the human race and everyone who can read this is a form of excellence our ability to adapt and to adjust to all the situations we have been put though since our existence on this planet is unimaginably excellent, say I were to put a man in an arena or large coliseum if you will, and have him battle a creature with claws and razor sharp teeth, imagine if you will a human battling a tiger, now at first glance most people would obviously choose the tiger, but because of the human mind and its wit and cunning it may make a spear or a weapon of some sort and use its environment to somehow over come this beast, how amazing is it to think that long long ago “cave men” took down gigantic creatures over the size of elephants and not just collected the meat but learned to use every single piece of the animal to help in its survival, this is excellence, to start with nothing and become something great at least we used to be a great example of excellence, up until we created war… In war we do nothing but destroy the enemy.
We waste so much time and effort that could be used on something more valued through out the entire world such as a cure for disease or the ability to run vehicles off of something that will not destroy our planet and all of its majesty , but instead we waste our lives with killing each other and using our resources to destroy one another without trying to straighten things out amongst one another.
I mean look at the continent of Africa its had civilizations on it longer than any other place in the world, but instead of working together to create something excellent or beautiful the decided to destroy one another over something as miniscule as land. Entire genocides have been accomplished just because of a personal grudge between two cultures.
Some may argue that by defeating the opposing army is that not showing that you resign in excellence over the other culture? Well yes but this is where we go back to the fact that everyone has a different opinion of excellence it shows that excellence is a state of mind a thought an opinion. Therefore just as last time I leave my essay as the question what is Excellence is a definable object but more of an opinion, there is no definite definition and so I leave you, goodbye, farewell and thanks for all the fish.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The question I am required to answer is simply this "What is Education?" And according to the dictionary "ed·u·ca·tion–noun
1.the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2.the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession. 3.a degree, level, or kind of schooling: a university education. 4.the result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one's education. 5.the science or art of teaching; pedagogic."
But that seems to me like a lot to read and think about so simply I am going to answer that this question is ridiculous for the reasoning that Education is anything you think in a greater manner of. Riding a bike to simply breathing your always learning farther in the way of what you’re doing.
You see education is just being alive, when you’re alive you can absorb the world around you. You learn what colors are and what scares you, you learn about what your first kiss is like you learn about everything. Even if you were alive and surrounded by nothing you would still wonder and develop theories about why your here, why your alive. Just simple things like that are education.
Education can be whatever you think about because based on the knowledge you just learned you know next time how to react to that situation and maybe even then be educated farther, by learning what not to do next time, questions, questions are learning. Life is one big educational process in which you learn trust, betrayal, friendship, hate, love, you may learn that none of it matters and that when you die it wont matter anyways, you may take another route and realize that every day is special and live it to "the max" and enjoy everything you do, but no matter how you see the world your still being educated. In the movie "Dead Poets Society" The captain expressed how true education doesn’t come from a book it comes from the way you see the world and how you understand the things you see, someone can look at a river as in the short story of "Two Ways Of Seeing The River" and see just a large quantity of water moving down the stream, or someone can see something beautiful, or even in some cases they look for warnings of things to come or may not even see it at all, but the education in all of those views come from the experiences you have had throughout your life make the things you see seem better or worse than they actually are, someone who has eaten the same food they’re whole life like pizza, wont see it the same way as someone who gets it only on small occasion or how they ask whether a doctor see’s the girls blushing cheeks or if he’s examining the symptoms she may have in an Illness and wondering if she’s ok. Where do you leave your professional life if you do leave it at all? It’s all because you may have been educated to look for certain things that others wouldn’t even notice.
This is where we learn that sometimes one must put down they’re profession or personal beliefs in life if only for a little while in ability to control an influence not over only our own thoughts but how we influence others, or dictate others in the movie Dead Poets Society we learn that although a lot of things may seem right and ideals help people liberate themselves and others from the norm it must also sometimes be limited and that is education as well or atleast you must attempt for the right time as you would if you were going to ask a parent for a toy, you would not ask them if they were upset or angry, only if they seem bright n cheery.
In short, the question on education my friends is… Ridiculous.

Dead Poets Society. Dir. Peter Weir. Perf. Robin Williams. DVD. Touchstone Pictures, 1989.
Eiseley, Loren. The Hidden Teacher.
Malcolm X, and Alex Haley. How I Discovered Words: a Homemade Education.
Twain, Mark. Two Ways of Seeing the River.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pg. 97-98 Excercise 45+46


  • Objective- Get into minnesota west tech school and go into the wind power program to make a good amount of money so i can begin a secondary education in something i find fit.
  • Job = Wind Technician - I would go from wind turbine to wind turbine that i was assigned to fix any current problems that are taking place in them that can not be controlled remotely from a computer
  • Skills Required - The basic electronics degree and also you would need to be un-afraid of heights and be ok with traveling
  • Skills currently - I currently have these skills as well as for what i may learn on job will be learned on job


  1. Marshall Senior High, Marshall MN
  2. May, 2008
  3. bowling and dodge ball intimurals and graduating this year
  4. Saving for activities and skills
  5. Dodgeball and bowling intimurals
  6. The Marshall bowl, Shopko, Shweeps

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Bah humbug.